MPAC 2021 Convention (full event)

00:00 The Story of US
08:12 The Mustard Seed Project
14:45 MPAC’s Healthcare Documentary Trailer
19:50 Dr. Islam – Faith and healing during a global pandemic
20:46 A message from our Board Chair
26:04 An Update on CLDP
35:55 An update from our Policy Bureau
46:01 An update on our Hollywood Bureau
01:03:10 Keynote: Jacob Blake, Sr. – I Stand for Him
01:08:00 President’s Address

Our collective experiences, journeys, and lives tell a magnificent story of the multigenerational marathon we have embarked on as a community. This story of America is also the story of Muslims. From the discovery of this land, to our constitution, and the epicenter of today’s most important moments our tale is woven through the fabric of this nation; This is– The Story of US.

In adherence with Public Health & Safety guidelines, we are proud to produce our 21st Annual MPAC Convention: The Story of US as a virtual experience.

From the comfort of your home (or a friend’s) join us as we explore our contributions, and progress as Americans, as Muslims, as an organization, and as a vibrant and dynamic American Muslim community.

Our lineup of speakers includes key figures in entertainment, the government, and civil society. From Actors and Film Execs, to Members of Congress and beyond, all of speakers are actively working to improve perceptions and policies that impact our community. We’ll be sharing some exciting updates on our work this past year and for our road ahead.

We are honored to announce our keynote speaker, Jacob Blake, Sr. (American Muslim activist) and father of Jacob Blake who’s tragic shooting in Kenosha Wisconsin, has sparked a powder-keg of civil unrest. Mr. Blake’s story is a testament to the universal and shared Islamic and American values of justice, equity, human dignity, patience, and unity. It is the story of an inflection point in America’s history, an inflection in our history– It is The Story of US.

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About the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
We improve public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities.

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