The Lost Letter L/Catch That C!

March 2, 2015 Articles

“The Lost Letter L” When Duck accidentally breaks the L off Frog’s lamp, he decides not to tell Frog. Instead, he’ll just fix it himself. Although Bug and Dog try to help, things spiral out of control, and soon Duck has broken a lamp, a lever and even Frog’s log! Duck learns that everyone makes mistakes and admitting them sooner rather than later can make a big difference. “Catch that C!” While Pig and Ant are making cookies, their bag of letter C’s gets away from them, sending the WordFriends on a wild goose chase all over WordWorld to catch that C! The bad news is that the letter C is in big demand that day. But the good news is that Pig and Ant have a lot of WordFriends who want to help them out!

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