MPAC is leading the charge against the rising tide of Anti-Muslim hate and discrimination. This symposium features three in-depth policy discussions on the root causes, impacts, and solutions to this pressing issue.
Key topics include:
– Root causes of Islamophobia
– Effects on American Muslim communities
– Actionable recommendations for change
– Voting in local and national elections
Learn, engage, and be empowered to combat hate.
Watch all the panels from the “Ballots Against Bias” symposium.
This resource was generously sponsored by LA vs Hate. Free services and resources are available through and the hate reporting line at 2-1-1. We encourage anyone who has been a victim of hate to report incidents via these platforms.
#BallotsAgainstBias #Islamophobia #AntiMuslimHate #MuslimPublicAffairsCouncil #VotingRights #CommunityEmpowerment
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We improve public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities.
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